Peaceful Spaces

I’ve always longed for peaceful spaces in my life. A little nook here or there for me to decompress and breathe. Since becoming a mother, I’ve realized that for my kids, I truly am the thermostat to set the peacefulness in my home. Working in tandem with Evan, we are the peacemakers of our home. Once we moved, we’ve been working on restful rhythms and creating those peaceful spaces for each other and our children. 

The majority of creating a peaceful home has been establishing routines. It has come through some trial and error and we’re still growing in those routines but I’m glad that we’re reaching to create these peaceful spaces in our home and our spheres of influence.

If you’re wanting to create these peaceful spaces in our your life, I would say that the first step is too seek the Lord and ask where You can let Him in to bring peace. And then, take action. There’s no time like the present to begin to bring peace to your home.

What I’ve done is start small. I asked myself, what is one area that I can bring peace to today? Sometimes that’s organizing a closet, sometimes it’s playing a game with the kids and being fully enveloped in what they’re doing… other times, it looks like resting.

I’m not sure how long I’m going to keep this up but I want to share my journey on creating peaceful spaces in our family’s lives. Whether that be spaces in our home or even on social media, I’d love to share that journey with y’all.

A warm living room with a lit candle and a fireplace in the background.

The Great Pantry Cleanout [Peaceful Spaces]


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