My Mornings

I honestly didn’t think it’d be super difficult to wake up on these fall mornings. With the colder temps, it has me really wanting to stay in bed! I’ve been wanting to create more space in my mornings so I can start the day well.

6:00 -

is usually when I start my day. I usually like to sit in silence or have some super calm worship music on. No words with my music or preaching in the mornings. I really can’t comprehend what I’m listening to because it’s so early, haha. I really like to have an hour to wake up without someone needing something from me. This time just set aside for me.

7:00 -

Is about when the kiddos start poking their heads out of their rooms. I will normally let them sit and snuggle for a while. This way they’re waking up with peace and can start their day well.

7:30 -

starts breakfast time and wrapping up lunch packing. We really don’t like to make sandwiches at night because for some reason they taste weird in the morning. We also fill up the water bottles and get those into backpacks.

7:45 -

It’s finally time to get dressed and wrap up any morning activities that need be.

8:15 -

Here we go! We typically try to launch around 8:10/8:15 so we can get everyone where they need to be on time. We’re super grateful that we live where there’s hardly any traffic to keep us tied up for too long.

With all that being said, I don’t beat myself up if we don’t hit the mark every time. There are a few mornings where these all line up just right and then some mornings we’re later. Obviously a good morning, starts at night so keeping a good nightly routine is really what contributes to our simple mornings.

But what about you? What are some ways that you keep your mornings simple and peaceful?


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